Monday, March 28, 2011

2nd Semester

Second semester of Junior year has been pretty chaotic. I have mid-program review, tons of homework, I'm a nanny, I working at the school bookstore, and still have time for 17 credits. It's been fun though. My roomies through me a birthday party, which was a blast! Thanks guys!!!
I finally turned 21!!! woo I'm legal and officially an adult, woo kind of scary haha.
On Sat. 12th went out to eat with my family at Bonefish Grill and man oh man did they have the best food EVER!!! I ordered a pomegranate martini, bang bang shrimp as an appetizer, stuffed longfin; which was pan-seared, baked and stuffed with shrimp, scallops, crab meat and lemon caper butter. YUM!!! and since it was my birthday I got creme brulee!!!! Then I went out with Dan, Ashley, and Sophie to Dave and Buster's, then we headed downtown Milwaukee and started at Brothers Bar, which was a lot of fun and then headed to a few others including Bar Louie, which was a joke. The drink was ten bucks and then they told us right after we got our drinks that we had to leave because they were closing. DUMB!
But overall my birthday was so fun

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can I please marry him...ahhemm I mean at least meet him?!?!?!?!
pretty PLEASE!!!!!!
it would just make my day!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday Night Football

Sunday nights get pretty crazy when the Packers are playing. My roomie Natalie and I get a little too excited about the game and we don't talk about your normal "talk" about football, but rather about what the players are wearing and how their hair is and so on; it's rather funny and I love it! We also have a common love for Aaron Rodgers!!! Sometime soon Nat, we will go to a Packers game and meet Aaron!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New School Year

This year, like last year I helped with moving in the underclassmen with moving into the dorms, but this year at JTC. Which at first I was hesitating even doing it again because I didn't know anyone, but figured I was given the opportunity to meet new people then, which was a plus. So I ended up going and met some really cool people; the hockey team was helping us and they were fun to be around, (dancing and playing football) making the long day go by faster. So being a roadie this year was by far WAY better than last year!

So far this school year has been going really well, although, keeping me very busy. I found a job and currently work at the school bookstore, which is amazing; I get to pick my hours when I want to work and fit it around my schedule, so it works out great! Which was my main concern when I was looking for a job because a normal job you really can't decide when you want to work and if you only can work an hour out of the day and this job I can do that!!!! I also am taking notes for a student and creating posters for some clubs on campus so that extra cash is definately a huge blessing because I sure need the money; who knew you had to pay your landlords for living in their house.hahaha

As far as my classes go they have been fun, some challenging, but all in all not that bad which is surprising because I have 17 credits. But I guess we will see later in the semester if that stays true or not because it has already been overwhelming at times. I am also involved in AIGA which is a club for Graphic Designers, photo club, and CRU. So with work, school and extra activities, my schedule is pretty packed these days!

Living off campus has been amazing and loving EVERY second of it. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in the dorms, but there is just something about living in a house that is WAY better. I mean I can cook REAL meals other than ramen and other microwaveable "dinners", I have my own room, I share a house with 4 AMAZING girls and we have some rowdie times let me tell you! I couldn't have asked for better roommates!

This last weekend I had a lot of fun with my roommates, Friday I went to EC with my roomie Natalie and went shopping and met up with my Dad in Osseo and then came back and then went over to my friend Alex's house for a house warming party and that was really fun, Saturday we threw my roomie Lauren a birthday party at our house and it was sooooo much fun!!!! We had dance parties going on inside and outside, expresso shots/energy drinks, a fire, hookah, and omg it was just amazing!!!!

Then today we had a fire in our kitchen, because Natalie had put aprons in the bottom section of our oven and forgot to take them out and Hannah did not know about it, so she turned on the oven and started the whole oven on fire and we had to use our fire extinguisher (which we wanted to store in the closet because we thought it looked ugly where it was placed in the kitchen; good thing we didn't move it). And ironically enough, our landlord Dave the day before just out in new fire alarms that talk to you and tell you where the fire is...we now know for sure that they work!

Phew! that was a lot, I should start blogging on a regular basis so it's not all at once.haha yea right like that will ever happen.

~peace out

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This made me smile :)

It also reminded me of this lady in Walmart the other day saying how she doesn't know how some people can have 8 kids and then complaining about her kids to her kids....really? then don't have kids; you know that children are a handful and require time and patience. On the plus side they are super cute :)


So in a nutshell my summer was pretty packed full. I took 2 summer classes: English 102 and Math 118 and they were pretty boring, but glad I got them over with. Along with taking summer classes I worked as a waitress at Pistol Pete's Neighborhood Grill in Brookfield 5 days a week. I also helped out Kyle Olson with his Summer Entertainment Camp as the event photographer and that was fun and got to meet some awesome people! Went on a family vacation to Ohio to go to the Cedarpoint Roller Coaster Park and that was AMAZING! They had the best roller coaster EVER! (It is the 2nd tallest roller coaster in the world.) With all that I still managed to go to some Graduation parties, go up to my house in Menomonie to fix it up, went to Summerfest and saw Passion Pit, Tokyo Police Club, Jessica Rae, Ari Herstand, Against Me!, and Silversun Pickups, went to Statefair, lots of bike rides, hang out with friends (had many adventures downtown Milwaukee and lots of "Take Two's") and even relax; because I mean that is what Summer SHOULD be! The last week of August I went to the Brewers game and met my current Bf, David, I moved into my house in Menomonie for the school year and went looking for a job, fixed up the house, went shopping in EC with Hannah, hung out with the girls in the Dwelling, got my new laptop, had a couple job interviews (so we shall see if I end up getting a job that will fit my school schedule) and adventures at Lamers and Walmart with the girls! All in all summer 2010 was amazing :)
.peace out.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

popular demand

So because I have been hassled that I haven't updated my blog for awhile; some new blogs will be soon to come!
Random Picture: I love this picture and makes me smile.