Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why not try it?

So I love running but this one run was different. I went on a run which was amazing, through a cute little quaint neighborhood in Menomonie and it was such a sight. It was right on the lake and it just made me think of everything God has made for us and how beautiful everything is and how sometimes we don't realize how amazing it all is and that we take for granted everything He has given us. Since that run everytime I go for a run I set aside at least 10 minutes, no music, nothing, just the quiet, and look at my surroundings and thank God for everything, from nature to man-made objects...the gorgeous lake and the sunrise in the background or that cute little house that gives shelters a family. After I thank Him, I then just take the rest of the time to just pray, whatever is on my heart, anything. In doing this it has helped me in so many ways, I can't even begin to explain the effects of doing this and how greatly it has impacted my life. Try it out!

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