Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can I please marry him...ahhemm I mean at least meet him?!?!?!?!
pretty PLEASE!!!!!!
it would just make my day!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday Night Football

Sunday nights get pretty crazy when the Packers are playing. My roomie Natalie and I get a little too excited about the game and we don't talk about your normal "talk" about football, but rather about what the players are wearing and how their hair is and so on; it's rather funny and I love it! We also have a common love for Aaron Rodgers!!! Sometime soon Nat, we will go to a Packers game and meet Aaron!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New School Year

This year, like last year I helped with moving in the underclassmen with moving into the dorms, but this year at JTC. Which at first I was hesitating even doing it again because I didn't know anyone, but figured I was given the opportunity to meet new people then, which was a plus. So I ended up going and met some really cool people; the hockey team was helping us and they were fun to be around, (dancing and playing football) making the long day go by faster. So being a roadie this year was by far WAY better than last year!

So far this school year has been going really well, although, keeping me very busy. I found a job and currently work at the school bookstore, which is amazing; I get to pick my hours when I want to work and fit it around my schedule, so it works out great! Which was my main concern when I was looking for a job because a normal job you really can't decide when you want to work and if you only can work an hour out of the day and this job I can do that!!!! I also am taking notes for a student and creating posters for some clubs on campus so that extra cash is definately a huge blessing because I sure need the money; who knew you had to pay your landlords for living in their house.hahaha

As far as my classes go they have been fun, some challenging, but all in all not that bad which is surprising because I have 17 credits. But I guess we will see later in the semester if that stays true or not because it has already been overwhelming at times. I am also involved in AIGA which is a club for Graphic Designers, photo club, and CRU. So with work, school and extra activities, my schedule is pretty packed these days!

Living off campus has been amazing and loving EVERY second of it. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in the dorms, but there is just something about living in a house that is WAY better. I mean I can cook REAL meals other than ramen and other microwaveable "dinners", I have my own room, I share a house with 4 AMAZING girls and we have some rowdie times let me tell you! I couldn't have asked for better roommates!

This last weekend I had a lot of fun with my roommates, Friday I went to EC with my roomie Natalie and went shopping and met up with my Dad in Osseo and then came back and then went over to my friend Alex's house for a house warming party and that was really fun, Saturday we threw my roomie Lauren a birthday party at our house and it was sooooo much fun!!!! We had dance parties going on inside and outside, expresso shots/energy drinks, a fire, hookah, and omg it was just amazing!!!!

Then today we had a fire in our kitchen, because Natalie had put aprons in the bottom section of our oven and forgot to take them out and Hannah did not know about it, so she turned on the oven and started the whole oven on fire and we had to use our fire extinguisher (which we wanted to store in the closet because we thought it looked ugly where it was placed in the kitchen; good thing we didn't move it). And ironically enough, our landlord Dave the day before just out in new fire alarms that talk to you and tell you where the fire is...we now know for sure that they work!

Phew! that was a lot, I should start blogging on a regular basis so it's not all at once.haha yea right like that will ever happen.

~peace out

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This made me smile :)

It also reminded me of this lady in Walmart the other day saying how she doesn't know how some people can have 8 kids and then complaining about her kids to her kids....really? then don't have kids; you know that children are a handful and require time and patience. On the plus side they are super cute :)


So in a nutshell my summer was pretty packed full. I took 2 summer classes: English 102 and Math 118 and they were pretty boring, but glad I got them over with. Along with taking summer classes I worked as a waitress at Pistol Pete's Neighborhood Grill in Brookfield 5 days a week. I also helped out Kyle Olson with his Summer Entertainment Camp as the event photographer and that was fun and got to meet some awesome people! Went on a family vacation to Ohio to go to the Cedarpoint Roller Coaster Park and that was AMAZING! They had the best roller coaster EVER! (It is the 2nd tallest roller coaster in the world.) With all that I still managed to go to some Graduation parties, go up to my house in Menomonie to fix it up, went to Summerfest and saw Passion Pit, Tokyo Police Club, Jessica Rae, Ari Herstand, Against Me!, and Silversun Pickups, went to Statefair, lots of bike rides, hang out with friends (had many adventures downtown Milwaukee and lots of "Take Two's") and even relax; because I mean that is what Summer SHOULD be! The last week of August I went to the Brewers game and met my current Bf, David, I moved into my house in Menomonie for the school year and went looking for a job, fixed up the house, went shopping in EC with Hannah, hung out with the girls in the Dwelling, got my new laptop, had a couple job interviews (so we shall see if I end up getting a job that will fit my school schedule) and adventures at Lamers and Walmart with the girls! All in all summer 2010 was amazing :)
.peace out.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

popular demand

So because I have been hassled that I haven't updated my blog for awhile; some new blogs will be soon to come!
Random Picture: I love this picture and makes me smile.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lindsey Lee

Check this awesome woman of God out, she is a Christian singer who is currently unsigned, but definately will be soon and has some awesome songs!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weekend of Fun :)

OK, so this past weekend, Ryan (Natalie's boyfriend) and friend Kris came up to Stout. They got here Friday afternoon. After a bit they left to get some lunch at acoustic cafe. I stayed back so I could get ready for the day and do some homework. The whole time we had been contemplating whether we should go camping that night because it kept raining on and off and the sky wasn't looking too promising. They got back and decided to play soccer, instead I took a nap because I was super tired from not getting any sleep the nights before. About an hour later they woke me up to go on a walk on the Red Cedar Trail. It was nice walking down by the river even though it was bug infested which was kind of gross. We then got to the playground and hung out there for awhile. The sky was clearing up so we were like why not go camping so we started to head back and of course the clouds came back in so we just decided not to and just go tomorrow(Saturday).

We got back and had a quick dance party in our dorm (listening to some LeCrae and whatnot). We then got ready to go to Jeff's pizza where we met up with Hannah, Lars, Lauren, and Lauren's sister Marlene. We ordered so much pizza we had a ton of leftovers. After we paid the bill we headed back to our dorm to put the pizza in the fridge and to decide what to do. So then we decided to go get a movie.We didn't want to start a movie right away so we drove around in the country crankin the tunes and singing along which was a lot of fun. Then we went to the redbox and picked I Love You Man and Sherlock Holmes. Got back and started I Love You Man, turned it off and put in Sherlock Holmes. Not sure how it was but it put me to sleep so it wasn't that good. haha. The movie ended and then we got ready to head over to Hannah and Lauren's room because the guys were sleeping in our room. Went over to their room and watched the movie Sex in the City for a bit and then went to bed.

Woke up, Ryan and Kris picked us up and we went back to our room to get ready for the day. After we got ready we headed out to the cities. We picked up Ryan's brother Tim and drove off to Lake Harriet. We got there and took a walk around the entire lake. After our long walk we got hungry so we had a picnic in the park. It was too windy to be outside for a long time so we decided to head in the city to go shopping downtown. We went into a couple stores...Victoria's Secret, Urban Outfitters, a book store (which was super sweet) and a record store.
This is a picture of Natalie and I in the window of a car getting out to go to the Walker.

After that we went to the Walker and walked around the outside and looked at the sculptures(there were Prom people there and a wedding so Natalie and I kept looking to see which dress we liked the most) .It was then time for dinner so we decided on Buca's (Italian). It was a 45 minute wait so we headed to Target to kill some time and found pretzel m&m's and were sooo good! Headed back to Buca's and it was so delicious. It was family style so we ordered Rigatoni and a shrimp pasta. They both were really good except the shrimp past was very spicy. It was time to take Tim back because we had to leave. So we dropped off Tim and headed back to Stout so we could get ready to go camping. Before we got to our room we stopped at a gas station to get fire wood because it rained earlier and the wood at the bottoms would be really wet and we wanted to make sure we had dry wood.

We got back and packed up all our stuff to go camping at the Bottoms. On our way we noticed we forgot a lighter so we stopped at KwikTrip and got a lighter, energy drinks, and coconut m&m's because we really wanted to try them(we had been talking about them with the guys so we got them to surprise them). The m&m's were so good! We were then off to the Bottoms and were almost there and realized we forgot chocolate for our smores but we just had chocolate less smores. So we all just hung around the campfire until 2 and we began to get sleepy so we headed to our tents. Once we got all situated in our tents Natalie and I got a burst of energy and were going crazy. Our energy drinks we had finally kicked in, we could not stop laughing and because we were laughing made the guys laugh and we just got really crazy. It was really funny. We finally fell asleep after an hour and a half. Woke up and hung around for a bit, packed up and left. Got back to our dorm and got ready and then went to the Raw Deal for some coffee which was delicious and we just sat there sipping our coffee and chatting it up.

Got back to our room and just hung out in there for awhile and just talked and then it was about 2:00 and so that meant Ryan and Kris had to leave so we said our goodbye's and left. After they left it was so weird for some reason. We went down at 4:00 to return the tents and I went to a group meeting for my Arch Design class and Natalie went back to the room. Both Natalie and I were procrastinating really badly and got no homework done that day and decided to watch a movie instead so we stuck in Ratatouille. Which I did not finish watching because I fell asleep because I was so exhausted from the weekend, but was worth it.

Why not try it?

So I love running but this one run was different. I went on a run which was amazing, through a cute little quaint neighborhood in Menomonie and it was such a sight. It was right on the lake and it just made me think of everything God has made for us and how beautiful everything is and how sometimes we don't realize how amazing it all is and that we take for granted everything He has given us. Since that run everytime I go for a run I set aside at least 10 minutes, no music, nothing, just the quiet, and look at my surroundings and thank God for everything, from nature to man-made objects...the gorgeous lake and the sunrise in the background or that cute little house that gives shelters a family. After I thank Him, I then just take the rest of the time to just pray, whatever is on my heart, anything. In doing this it has helped me in so many ways, I can't even begin to explain the effects of doing this and how greatly it has impacted my life. Try it out!

Read it

This has got to be one of my favorite verses!

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become children of God, blameless and pure without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out of the word of life..."

~Philippians 2:14-16


Just thought these were super adorable <3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

food for thought

*In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
*Hummingbird's can't walk.
*the average person has over 1,460 dreams a year

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

summer project

So I got accepted to the Long Beach, CA Summer Project and am now torn between what I should do: go on summer project this summer and get an internship or study abroad in England in a year. But I am super pumped I got in, it was funny I got a call from a girl named Stephanie as well.haha. So overall today has been really well as yesterday. It was muffin monday- a local lady comes out by Harvey Hall and hands out free muffins of multiple flavors-which are amazing! I also found out that my English essay is not due until next week Monday so that was a relief. I started my Arch Design project and had to spray paint, didn't want to go outside to do it because it would blow my project away so I painted in the dorm and boy oh boy our room was filled with such a thick stench of spray paint it was horrible, I felt bad for Natalie. Sorry Girl. After that I went to Block and that was better than normal. Then I got to talk to my parents so it was a good night :) :)

Oh and this past weekend was so much fun even thought it flew by. Friday Natalie, Danielle and I went to Walmart for some food and art supplies. We then got dropped off at our dorm, did some homework and then walked to Danielle's for dinner. We had spaghetti (that had elk meat in it which was really good) and for dessert was a sticky bun but not a normal sticky bun, not sure how to explain it but it was AMAZING, the 3 of us finished off the whole pan it was that good, our stomaches were a little rumbly but it was worth it.After that we got ready adn headed to the Stout hockey game were we met up with some CRU people like Andrew, Eric, Amanda, and a couple others. It was really fun even though we didn't win. We were behind these little kids though that had the worst mouth ever, they were so vulgur for being so young. Both Natalie and I were appauled at them.

Then Satuday did some homework and then went swing dancing at the Tapestry in the Cities. It was so much fun with the CRU gang. I definately fell asleep on the way back. Sunday morning I was so sore but had such a good time I didn't care. I then got ready and headed off to Church with Karen, Katie, and Danielle. I went to Alliance Church because I couldn't get a ride to Cedarbrook. Pastor Doug had a really good message though about walking in faith. Went back finished up my homework and then since it was the Superbowl Natalie and I figured it was neccessary to get Jeff's Pizza.(we got the "Date Special") Which was amazing, then headed to Steve's to watch part of the game and about third quarter went over to Chris and Cayle's room to watch the rest of it. Natalie and I and the rest of the guys were so happy the Saints won! We then headed back to our room to finish my "date" with Natalie so we painted our nails and she gave me a great back massage. Fell asleep to was good weekend!

listen to these

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thursday night we had CRU which was amazing. After all went to the HT. We played extreme ninja, signs, and danced the night away.haha. These are just some of the amazing people that were there!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
- 1 Peter 5:7

Seek his will in all you do, and show you which path to take.
- Proverbs 3:6

Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of god and knows God. But anyone who does not know God, for God is love.
- 1John 4:7-8

can't get this out of my head

this song is so amazing
just listen to the lyrics-how amazing and true


On Thursday February 3, 2010 was the day. The day of the MAZE outreach show! Lindsay and I were late and there was of course a huge line to get in so we went up to the front of the line to see if we new anyone and stand with them but we didn't. Then all of a sudden a guy came up to use adn asked us if we were together(us thinking he was going to yell at us for skipping) but then asked us if we wanted to be in the show. So we got to meet and help out Jim Munroe with the show. It was a great show and over 600 people heard the good news of God. This show totally made up for my computer crashing!

Re image

So on Tuesday February 2, 2010 I got a virus on my laptop so I went to take my computer toAsk5000 to get it re imaged, so I made sure I backed up my files before they did so, but somehow I went to go pick it up and turned on my computer and found out that everything was gone: all my art projects, pictures, papers. Of course I had a paper due that next day. So I had to go back to my dorm and crank out another paper plus all my other homework. By far that was one terrible day.